When key personnel at TEC Edmonton move on, it’s a cause for celebration.

It usually means one of our top-notch Executive-in-Residence or Business Development Associates is off to work at a company they have been assisting through TEC Edmonton.

As a not-for-profit incubator for early-stage technology companies, TEC Edmonton’s reason for existence is to assist in creating new, dynamic, innovation-based companies in Edmonton and Northern Alberta.

TEC Edmonton’s Executives-in-Residence are almost always proven business managers and/or  successful entrepreneurs in their own right.

When one decides to join a TEC Edmonton client company, it means nothing but good for the regional economy.

Jason Ding, after several years as a TEC Edmonton Executive-in-Residence, has moved on. He is now Chief Financial Officer and Vice-President Administration for rising city technology star Drivewyze.

Drivewyze is a subsidiary of Edmonton’s Intelligent Imaging Systems Inc.and a former TEC Edmonton client. Its technology and system is out to change North America’s commercial trucking industry using no more equipment than a smartphone or tablet and a Drivewyze app for the trucker.

Instead of having trucks pull into weigh stations, legitimate truckers can enter all pertinent truck driver and carrier information to Drivewyze via the app.

As the truck approaches a weigh station, the app is activated by a signal from the station. It downloads the driver’s information to Drivewyze, which instantaneously analyses and sends the data to the weigh station. If approved, the truck need not stop.

Drivewyze’s system is less expensive and more versatile than the offerings of its competitors. Within 12 months of its launch, Drivewyze is being used by 16 American state transportation regulators, and will be onboarding 3 more states over the summer of 2013.

On June 17 in Maryland, with its channel and industry partners, Drivewyze made a game-changing announcement with the Federal Motor Commercial Safety Administration and the Federal Highway Administration, introducing “e-inspection” technology for vehicle safety enforcement.

“Drivewyze is an exciting opportunity with a great team,” says Jason, a former senior manager with Deloitte Canada. “Drivewyze has huge market potential, delivers laser-like focus on value and service, and is complementary to most trucking fleet logistics and asset management. Its parent company Intelligent Imaging Systems has made major inroads providing vehicle inspection hardware and software systems for law enforcement agencies.”

Intelligent Imaging Systems and Drivewyze currently have 55 employees in Edmonton and six more across North America. All its manufacturing, research and development is done in the city.

TEC Edmonton wishes Jason all the best in his new endeavour. May Intelligent Imaging Systems and Drivewyze continue to be a technology driver of the new Edmonton economy!

Posted in [Executives-in-Residence], [TEC Edmonton Companies], [Technology/Innovation communityBy TEC Edmonton