When members of the American Trucking Associations’ Technology and Maintenance Council met at their organization’s annual meeting and exhibition in Nashville, many learned a good deal more about electronic logging devices and on-board vehicle electronics.

But before the meeting even got started, those who work in or manage fleet maintenance shops learned how an ever-increasing number of ELDs are delivering a choice for their companies – a mobile-based weigh station bypass system.

The Winter 2016 issue of the council’s Fleet Maintenance & Technology magazine featured a cover article on the growth of mobile-based weigh station bypass. Copies of the winter issue were sent out shortly before the Feb. 29 start of the annual meeting and exhibition. Here is a PDF of the cover story, found on pages 1 and 15. *

TMC provides many in the industry excellent opportunities to improve the quality of parts and maintenance procedures for trucks and other transportation-related equipment. We’re glad that the Drivewyze bypass app can help TMC members to reap the benefits of their work for themselves or their companies.

* PDF of mobile-based weigh station bypass growth article in Fleet Maintenance & Technology offered by permission of American Trucking Associations’ Technology and Maintenance Council.