Louisville, Kentucky – March 22, 2012 – ZoomSafer Inc., maker of FleetSafer® Mobilesmartphone software and Drivewyze Inc. , maker of Drivewyze™, a new service to provide inspection bypass and toll payments via a smartphone, have announced their intent to work together to ensure product compatibility and promote safe driving behavior when using theDrivewyze service on a smartphone.   ZoomSafer’s FleetSafer Mobile is the first safe driving solution to fully foster compliance with recent FMCSA cell phone regulations requiring any mobile phone calls made by interstate commercial drivers to be “one-touch” and hands-free. Designed with safety in mind, the FMCSA-compliant Drivewyze application is a fully-automated service designed for hands-free use.  Carriers that want to take more active control on the restriction of cell-phone use by drivers will now have the option of using both services at once.  When Drivewyze is used in conjunction with FleetSafer Mobile, carriers and their drivers can enable safety features such as limiting call services, and blocking text messaging, without impacting the bypass or toll payment functions of Drivewyze.

“ZoomSafer and Drivewyze see their products as very complementary,” said Matt Howard,ZoomSafer CEO and Co-Founder, “The thought leadership demonstrated by both companies will enable customers with both driver safety and cost-effective business services.”

“Drivewyze is pleased to be partnering with a technology innovator like ZoomSafer,” said Brian Heath President of Drivewyze.  “By working together we seek to verify compatibility across our products when used together on a smartphone, in order to provide integrated options to our motor carrier customers.”

For more information about FleetSafer Mobile, please go to www.zoomsafer.com.  For more information about Drivewyze inspection bypass services for commercial vehicle operators, please visit www.drivewyze.com.