Cargo Theft Alerts Overview
Cargo Theft Notifications are a part of Drivewyze Safety+ through a partnership with CargoNet. When enabled, alerts are automatically generated using data provided by CargoNet. The data provided by CargoNet is used to determine locations where cargo thefts are being reported.
CargoNet’s database receives and integrates cargo theft data from law enforcement, insurers, transportation companies, manufacturers, and retailers. Theft victims, insurers, and law enforcement may enter data online using internal investigation and claims management systems or industry wide databases such as ISO ClaimSearch.
Cargo Theft notifications can be seen in Safety+ Insights Reporting.
The notifications include:

Riskiest Travel Centers
Specific alert when entering one of the top 50 riskiest travel centers

Riskiest Counties
Specific alert when entering one of the top 50 riskiest counties

Daily Hot Theft Zone Alerts
Daily Hot Theft Zone alerts powered by CargoNet Incident Alerts
Frequently asked questions
Are the Cargo Theft alerts available with Safety Notifications or only Safety+?
Cargo Theft alerts are only available to fleets subscribed to Safety+
When will drivers see the alert?
Drivers will receive an alert in the USA or Canada when approaching
one of the following locations:
1. A county that has been identified by CargoNet as being at high risk of
cargo theft occurring
2. A truck stop that has been identified by CargoNet as being at high risk of
cargo theft occurring
3. Ad hoc locations where a theft has been reported within the last 24 hours
Do Fleet Managers also receive an alert?
Drivewyze does not currently support alerts for back-off/admin users, however CargoNet does provide a subscription-based service
for members who wish to receive theft alerts directly via email.
Visit CargoNet’s Website to find out more about becoming a member:
Where does CargoNet get their theft data from?
Drivewyze receives monthly updates of the high risk counties and truck stops from CargoNet. The hot theft alerts are received on an ad
hoc basis from CargoNet and are kept active in Drivewyze for 24 hours from the time the incident was reported.
How often are the alert locations updated by Drivewyze?
Drivewyze receives monthly updates of the high risk counties and truck stops from CargoNet. The hot theft alerts are received on an ad
hoc basis from CargoNet and are kept active in Drivewyze for 24 hours from the time the incident was reported.
What will the driver see on their device?
The Cargo Theft alert follows the standard of other Drivewyze Safety
alerts: a yellow background, a Title, and a Message — depending on the
type of theft warning. For example:

Ready to Get Started?
With proactive safety alerts and driver coaching, Drivewyze Safety+ can help mitigate accidents and improve safety outcomes for your fleet.