South Dakota Weigh Station Site Coverage List
Aberdeen Hwy-12 | Mobile | |
Blunt Hwy-14 EB | Fixed | |
Blunt Hwy-14 WB | ||
Blunt Rte-83 SB | ||
Beresford I-29 SB | Mobile | 41 |
Buffalo Hwy-85 | Mobile | |
Canton Hwy-18 WB | Mobile | 450 |
Chamberlain Rest Area I-90 | Mobile | 264/266 |
Corsica Hwy-281 | Mobile | |
Corson Hwy-11 | Mobile | |
Faulkton Hwy-212 | Mobile | |
Frederick Hwy-281 NA | Mobile | |
Gettysburg Hwy-212 | Mobile | |
Jefferson I-29 NB | Fixed | 13 |
Jefferson I-29 SB | Mobile | 13 |
Lemmon Hwy-12 | Fixed | |
Meckling Hwy-50 EB | Mobile | |
Milbank Hwy-12 | Mobile | |
Midway Hwy-46 | Fixed | |
Minnekahta Junction US 18 EB | Mobile | 24 |
Minnekahta Junction US 18 WB | Mobile | 24 |
Minnekahta Junction SD 89 SB | Mobile | 24 |
MM 1 Hwy-19 EB | Mobile | 1 |
MM 41 I-90 EB | Mobile | 41 |
MM 41 I-90 WB | Mobile | 41 |
MM 6 Hwy-212 | Mobile | 6 |
MM 69 I-90 EB | Mobile | 69 |
MM 69 I-90 WB | Mobile | 69 |
MM 99 I-90 WB | Mobile | 99 |
MM 102/103 I-29 NB | Mobile | 102 |
MM 102/103 I-29 SB | Mobile | 103 |
MM 129 I-90 EB | Mobile | 129 |
MM 160 I-29 NB | Mobile | 160 |
MM 187/189 I-90 EB | Mobile | 187 |
MM 187/189 I-90 WB | Mobile | 189 |
MM 194/195 I-90 EB | Mobile | 194 |
MM 194/195 I-90 WB | Mobile | 195 |
MM 213 I-29 NB | Mobile | 213 |
MP 1 I-90 EB | Mobile | 1 |
MP 44 US-83 NB | Mobile | 44 |
MP 244 US-18 | Fixed | 244 |
Plankinton Hwy-281 | Mobile | |
Phillip Hwy-73 | Mobile | |
Rapid City Catron Blvd EB | Fixed | |
Rapid City Catron Blvd WB | Mobile | |
Rapid City Catron Blvd NB | Mobile | |
Rapid City Catron Blvd SB | Mobile | |
Redfield Hwy-281 SB | Mobile | 156 |
Riverside I-90 EB | Mobile | 336 |
Riverside I-90 WB | Mobile | 337 |
Rowena Hwy-42 | Mobile | |
Salem Rest Area I-90 EB | Mobile | 362 |
Salem Rest Area I-90 WB | Mobile | 363 |
Sisseton I-29 SB | Fixed | 235 |
Sioux Falls I-90 EB | Mobile | 412 |
Sioux Falls I-90 WB (Valley Spring POE) | Fixed | 412 |
Stanley Corner US-81 | Mobile | 49 |
Tyndall Hwy-50 NA | Mobile | |
Tilford I-90 EB | Fixed | 39 |
Vivian Hwy-248 | Mobile | |
Wolsey Hwy-281 | Fixed | |
Woonsocket Hwy-37 | Mobile | 332 |
White Lake I-90 EB | Mobile | 301 |
White Lake I-90 WB | Mobile | 302 |
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