Drivewyze “Download, Drive and Win” Weigh Station Contest Underway

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Drivewyze “Download, Drive and Win” Weigh Station contest underway

BURLINGAME, Calif., Feb. 4, 2014 To commemorate the launch of the Drivewyze PreClear 3.0 free nationwide weigh station and inspection site alert service, the company has announced a contest that will reward one lucky user with a $1,200 check.

“It’s our way of saying thanks for giving the free app a try,” said Brian Mofford, vice president of Drivewyze. “The contest runs from now until the end of February, and users of the free app, plus existing Drivewyze customers, are automatically entered to win.  But, the more weigh stations you pass during the month of February, the better your odds of winning.  Every weigh station alert or bypass notification you encounter puts another entry into the contest.”

According to Mofford, those entries could add up.  “With more than 700 weigh stations around the United States, drivers will be passing quite a few weigh stations,” he said.  “We’ve had some of our bypass customers pass more than 100 weigh stations in a given month.  So, with our free app, not only will users appreciate getting the heads up two miles before the station appears though an audible and visual display, they’ll also smile knowing they just improved their odds of winning a $1,200 check.”

The Drivewyze PreClear 3.0 app is available without a subscription to all truck drivers from the Google Play store for loading onto Android smartphones or tablets. Because the app is free, no purchase is required to win.

At any time, users can click a button in the app and start an optional 30-day free trial of the subscription-based Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass service. With the bypass service, drivers receive not only a free heads-up notification, but also the opportunity to request and receive bypass privileges at 252 weigh stations and inspection sites across 19 states. Bypass rates range from 50 percent to 98 percent based on a carrier’s credentials and safety record.

The new version of PreClear 3.0 also features improvements to make it easier to use. Drivewyze is a hands-free service that is safe and compliant with all federal and state driving laws.

About Drivewyze Inc.

Drivewyze Inc. is the smart mobility services company for the transportation industry. Drivewyze and its sister company, Intelligent Imaging Systems Inc., are on a mission to revolutionize the delivery of highway safety and transportation management through world-class products, systems and services. Drivewyze serves commercial drivers and fleets with innovative trucking apps such as Drivewyze Weigh Station Heads Up and Drivewyze PreClear Bypass service. Learn more about Drivewyze at

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