Hayes Transport & Drivewyze Featured in FleetOwner

< 1 min read
Hayes Transport Truck

In the February issue of FleetOwner, Hayes Transport was profiled for their success in retaining 92% of it’s drivers through company culture and benefits provided to drivers, including the use of PreClear.

Since Hayes began using Drivewyze by Fleetworthy, they’ve cut drive time across their fleet by 28 hours per month with estimated monthly savings of $2,870. Download below to read the full article today.

About Drivewyze Inc.

Drivewyze Inc., a Fleetworthy company, is a leader in the transportation technology industry that builds innovative solutions for commercial fleets, drivers, and transportation infrastructure owners and operators. Drivewyze delivers best-in-class in-cab services to commercial fleets and drivers, like Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass service and Drivewyze Safety+ proactive safety alerts. Drivewyze Infrastructure Services provides solutions to state agencies, including Smart Roadside commercial vehicle enforcement (CVE) electronic screening, Central Park truck parking management, and Smart Roadways connected truck solutions. To learn more about Drivewyze, visit https://drivewyze.com/

Doug Siefkes 


(425) 392-2611 

Doug Johnson 


(780) 461-3355 Ext. 254 

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