Flatbed Hauling Through Ontario
For more than 23 years, Moore Brothers, a family-owned and operated company in Brampton, Ontario, has been a reliable provider of flatbed hauling services. With an operation that consists of 45 company-owned trucks, about a dozen contracted owner operators, and more than 150 flatbed trailers, the company provides both regional and long-haul services throughout Canada.
The company was named a 2023 Top Flatbed Trucking Company in Canada by Logistics & Transportation Review.
“Drivewyze is a great service that frees up more time for our drivers on the road with minimal time & effort on our part to
manage it. We wouldn’t want to be without it.”
Sue Moore
COO, Moore Brothers
The Challenge
As a flatbed hauler, and due to the nature of the products and equipment it hauls, Moore Brothers is more susceptible to experiencing extended downtime during inspections at weigh stations.
“Our drivers can spend up to three hours at a weigh station if they’re directed to pull in, which has a considerable impact in our ability to make on-time deliveries and our bottom line,” said Sue Moore, COO of Moore Brothers.
“Heavy machinery can cost thousands of dollars per hour to rent, so if a truck hauling that equipment is stuck waiting at an
inspection site, that’s a lot of unused time and sunk cost for the contractor renting it. It’s important to us to minimize downtime of our trucks so that we can better support our customer’s operation and be on time with our deliveries.”
Sue Moore
COO, Moore Brothers
For Moore Brothers, the opportunity to bypass the province’s 44 weigh stations throughout Ontario in Drivewyze’s network would be significant. Since the company is based just outside of Toronto, the company enabled all of its truck ELDs with Drivewyze since both regional and long-haul driers could benefit from the bypass service.
“Drivewyze has helped us and our drivers be more productive on the road. It’s a service we wouldn’t want our drivers to be without.”
Sue Moore
COO, Moore Brothers
The Results
Since implementing Drivewyze PreClear, Moore Brothers has significantly reduced the amount of downtime drivers experience through bypassing weigh stations in Ontario. According to Moore, the company has good safety scores, due to its prioritization and investment in fleet safety programs and technologies it uses, which has a positive impact on the company’s bypass rate.
“When you’re used to spending an hour or more at a weigh station waiting for inspection, any time you can reduce has an impact on a driver’s ability to get to their customer location when they’re supposed to be there,” said Moore. “Drivewyze has helped us and our drivers be more productive on the road. It’s a service we wouldn’t want our drivers to be without, which is also why we provide PreClear to the owner operators we work with.”
With Drivewyze PreClear, Moore Brothers administrators have access to the Drivewyze Hub, which provides access to near real-time data on bypass rates, the number of bypasses drivers receive, estimated operating savings through using the service, and more. The company also receives monthly reports that summarize bypass data and estimated operating cost reductions.
“Our drivers can spend up to three hours at a weigh station if they’re directed to pull in, which has a considerable impact
in our ability to make on-time deliveries and our bottom line.”
Sue Moore
COO, Moore Brothers
In one of Moore Brothers’ recent monthly reports, its trucks activated with PreClear bypassed more than 190 weigh station sites in Ontario, for an average of five bypasses per truck. For Moore Brothers, the time savings gained each month, considering their drivers can spend up to three hours waiting for inspection, is significant.
When Moore Brothers approach a weigh station site that is activated with Drivewyze, they receive and audible and visual alert on their ELD that informs them if they’re allowed to bypass the site.
For Moore Brothers, the opportunity to bypass the province’s 44 weigh stations throughout Ontario in Drivewyze’s network would be significant. Since the company is based just outside of Toronto, the company enabled all of its truck ELDs with Drivewyze since both regional and long-haul drivers could benefit from the bypass service.
“When we first started using Drivewyze, some of our drivers couldn’t believe they could actually pass a weigh station site when the notification popped up on their ELD so they’d pull in any way to make sure,” Moore recalled. “Now it’s a welcomed sight for our drivers when they’re granted permission to pass a site. Our drivers really like the service and appreciate the amount of time it saves them.”
According to Moore, since the company provides services to all provinces in Canada, she was happy to hear that Drivewyze recently expanded PreClear coverage in Newfoundland and Labrador.
“It’s a welcomed sight for our drivers when they’re granted permission to pass a site. Our drivers really like the service and appreciate the amount of time it saves them.”
Sue Moore
COO, Moore Brothers
“Every now and then, our drivers will make trips to Newfoundland and Labrador, so having additional bypass opportunities there will benefit our bottom line and free up more time for our drivers that make the trip out East.”
Looking back, Moore said the integration between Drivewyze and their ELD’s made managing active trucks using PreClear simple. “Since PreClear runs through our ELDs and no additional hardware is needed, it’s easy for us admins to access the account and manage the trucks online with service. Drivewyze is a great service that frees up more time for our drivers on the road with minimal time and effort on our part to manage it. We wouldn’t want to be without it.”
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