Weigh Station Bypass Coverage Map

Bypass over 900 locations in 46 states and provinces, including:
554 fixed weigh stations and inspection sites
328 mobile inspection sites

Alberta Bypass Requirements

Drivewyze PreClear is Alberta’s only bypass service and has some additional requirements.


Ontario and Newfoundland & Labrador

Drivewyze PreClear is the only bypass service in these jurisdictions and has some additional requirements.


Florida Agricultural Bypass Program

Bypass agricultural inspection sites across Florida unless hauling: agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture or livestock


Drivewyze PreClear Coverage is Growing

We offer more coverage at more sites than any other service, which means our customers spend less time in line and get a better ROI.

What’s more? We’re committed to growing our coverage area month after month, year after year.

The Benefit of Bypass with Drivewyze PreClear

Save Time & Money

Driver Retention

Improve Safety

Reduce Emissions

More bypass opportunities

Stopping at truck weigh stations costs valuable time. With Drivewyze PreClear, you can keep your fleet on the mainline and out of the scale lineup.

If time is money, then burning fuel idling in line at a weigh station loses money twice over. PreClear keeps your trucks en route and on the road.

Increase driver happiness and retention

PreClear’s bypass service saves truck drivers time, reduces their fatigue, and cuts down on irritation. Retention is easier when drivers are happy. Drivers are 3x more likely to work for a fleet with Drivewyze PreClear.

Boost your safety score

Keeping your trucks on the road and out of weigh station lines means your drivers are less stressed, less tired, and less prone to making harmful errors.

Achieve your reduction goals

Whether your company has an emissions reduction goal or not, PreClear cuts down on idling, which reduces pollution and improves air quality. service—can significantly reduce driver satisfaction, while also increasing fuel costs, emissions, and time on the road.

The Drivewyze Platform

The Drivewyze platform includes industry-leading services for fleet managers, truck drivers, and transportation agencies, developed for safer roads, better ROI, and real-time information in-cab.

Weigh station bypass service

Skip the scales with Drivewyze PreClear on your Geotab devices. Cut down on fuel costs and keep your trucks moving.

Free safety alerts

Warm drivers before hazards on their route to prevent safety incidents. 100% free and available on your existing Geotab devices.

Premium safety and coaching

Reduce your fleet’s exposure to weather hazards, cargo theft and other operational risks, fully integrated into your Geotab devices.

Ready to Get Started?

Learn how North America’s leading carriers use Drivewyze to save money and improve safety.