Overview #

This article includes commonly asked questions regarding vehicles.

Vehicle FAQ #

Why do I need a truck picture? #

Answer: A truck picture is required to make sure you are eligible for all weigh station bypass situations. Without a truck picture, a bypass may be denied to a driver.

How can I change my default truck picture? #

Answer: Follow the steps for Editing a Vehicle and change the truck picture.

How can I change specific services or programs to all of my vehicles at once? #

Answer: Use the Bulk Actions feature on the Vehicles page.

How do I turn on US Bypass for my trucks? #

Answer: Navigate to Vehicle Administration to add US Bypass for one or multiple trucks.
Note: Depending on your partner, this feature may not be currently permitted from this location.

How do I turn on Florida Agricultural Bypass for my trucks? #

Answer: Navigate to Vehicle Administration to add Florida Agricultural for one or multiple trucks. In order to use Florida Agriculture Bypass you must consent here. In addition, you can learn more about Florida Agricultural Bypass here.